Sunday, January 13, 2008

~ n!te~ bad th!ng happened ~

last n!te..
at 3.32am know what happened?
scared st0ry....
!ts n0t a dream but !ts happened..
that t!me i want t0 f!n!sh my a`ment...al0ne...
c0z m0re`yum already slept...
s0 just me...
suddenly...! ! heard s0meth!ng we!rd...
s0meth!ng imp0s!ble...
have s0meb0dy upsta!r, l!ke pull ed the!r heavy furniture...
(seram la jugak..but ! c0ntrol !t....)
hmm...s0 ! was th!nk!ng wh0 are make a rearrange the!r furn!ture at 4am...???!!!r!ght...
! keep read any ayat Quran that ! kn0w...
" be pos!t!ve la d!ana...~ bermonolog....
but the more ! feel!ng scared, !ts s0und the m0re often...
hmmm.....!ts that real or what...???!!!
! d0nt want t0 ask pe0ple upsta!r....
let !t be a secret ....afra!d !ts n0t a human be!ng....
....beg cross angel 44...

~p00r lapt0p~

6.45 am

th!s m0rn!ng ! wake up early, s0 usually the 1st th!ng ! do....
! sw!tch 0n my lapt0p....c0mpuls0ry..hehe..
"alamak.pasa! pa??!!!...shock..
"my lapt0p cann0t open..".....blurrr
"need t0 update the vista..inval!d..."..!!!@@###$$$$
pan!c..because t0 muchan a`ment t0 d0 but th!s t!me my laptop cann0t 0pen....
mr Azm! ass!gment....alamak!!!! need t0 pass up th!s m0nday....
call my bf....
" laptop cann0t 0n....~
"...hmm...why? try 0ff and 0pen aga!n syg...~
"cannot...!ts need a key passw0rd for the ser!es...what type 0f key ! d0nt know...~
"...l00k syg...!f !ts st!ll cann0t just br!ng y0ur lapt0p t0 c0mputer serv!ces...try t0 solve the pr0blem..~
"small problem syg..just need t0 update y0ur v!sta only..~

"y0u d0nt have the key f0r the ser!es r!ght...ask them t0 s0lve k...~
"...hmm..ok abg..! br!ing !t later..daa~

after ! send my lapt0p for serv!ce and need t0 be 0perate...
! br!ng m0re`yum get lunch at JENTAYU...
just both 0f us..c0z the others n0t g0!ng back yet from `kampung`
we eat t0gether...after that ! see s0mebody dr!nk `a!r kelapa` wh!ch !ts st!ll !n the buah kelapa...
( ! d0nt kn0w you guys understand 0r not what ! mean..hehe)
"m0re...sdp nya, mik mauk jgk bah...~
" mauk kah? jap mik order ya...~
s0 ! dr!nk l!mau !ce and ~a!r kelapa for lunch...

9.40 pm...
(eat f0r al!ve 0r al!ve f0r eat???!!!...d0nt kn0w just clap y0ur chest and ask y0ur appet!te...)
t!me for d!nner..
! and m0re eat at GAZEEBO....
guys..d!d y0u all try already eat at GAZEEBO or n0t...????
try la..all the!r!!!

*nas! put!h
*tomyam campur
*ayam msk kuny!t
*telur dadar
*sayur ka!lan !kan mas!n

hehe..what a b!g appet!te 0f us...
as usually..f!n!sh all...haha..
........after that b0th 0f us start w0rr!ed b0ut 0ur we!ght...!!!! 1kg la...aduh!!!!

s0 t0n!te ! b0rr0w m0re`yum's lapt0p t0 f!n!sh my ass!gnment..
lucky...! have fr!end l!ke m0re'yum...
she`s the best ! ever kn0w...muaahh for m0re... ----<@

k guys...see ya...want t0 start d0!ng my a`ment....