Monday, January 14, 2008

-- tears --

quiet is the best solution for everything...
make people easy with y0ur s!tuat!0n f!rst
before you want t0 make y0urself c0mfortable....
thats the !mportant th!ng when y0ur live ar0und "pe0ple".
navigate the pe0ple feel!ng 1st...
y0u are only the pers0n that kn0w y0urself better..
s0 eventh0ugh happened y0u can persuade y0urself..
but pe0ple feel!ng??!!!
can y0u handle????
s0 try t0 make them get the greatest feel!ng 1st..
let be the best ar0und them either the w0rse c0uple..
which just make pe0ple hard when y0u with them...
which make them keep always thinking t0 solve y0ur mien..
what a damn 0f y0u...
always make tr0uble t0 s0meb0dy feel!ng...
th!nk that " " give the best for y0u..
but what y0u give t0 tell that y0u are appreciate that..
what a n0nsense girl are y0u....
hush y0urself...

_ what a misuse words_

t0day we had class with Mr azmi..] techn!cal wr!t!ng[ ..
the best subject that ! ever know..
flatter errkkk....
Mr azmi t0ld us ab0ut h0w to make a research proposal ...
suddenly one of the techn!cian came int0 our class c0z have s0me pr0blem...
s0 more`yum and an!s make a n0nsense joke...
(!s said that the technician came just because t0 see m0re`yum....)
after that...
Mr azm! had say a words " quote" where its mean --pet!k---
s0 m0re`yum sm!le at me and start t0 m!suse that w0rd....
" diana..! want t0 quote the green apple..." said m0re1yum...
hahaha.... me and an!s laugh when heard m0re`yum try!ng t0 misuse that w0rd..
more`yum...m0re`yum can't y0u be seri0us f0r 1 day..
but ! kn0w...! can`t live with0ut them...l0ve y0u b0th...
haa...guys..0ne m0re th!ng bef0re ! f0rgot...
d!d y0u guys remember whats the we!rd "w0rd" that Mr Azm! m!suse th!s m0rning...
tuuutttt.......an0ther w0rd beh!nd ---facts---
hehe...[s0rry s!r]...